Weight Loss Meal Prep: Does Smoking Weed Make You Lose Weight? - 3 Reasons Why You Cannot Quit!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Does Smoking Weed Make You Lose Weight? - 3 Reasons Why You Cannot Quit!

Smoking weed can make you lose weight. It's true, it does. But not without a bit of a struggle. To succeed at quitting pot, you have to be willing to change your lifestyle. Smoking pot is definitely more than a way to relax and forget about everyday life for a couple hours.

Smoking weed can cause many physical problems. If you don't take care of yourself, you can wind up with brain damage and impaired judgment. You can even get high enough to drive and become legally intoxicated. All that being said, smoking weed is also a psychological addiction that can severely affect people. Many who smoke weed develop an intense dependence on the drug.

Smoking weed affects your body in many ways. Like anything else, it can make you sick. Chronic smokers experience headaches, stomachaches, dizziness, anxiety, and depression. Chronic use also causes erratic moods and a lack of concentration.

Physical dependency is also a huge problem. Marijuana, being a highly addictive drug, takes quite a toll on your body over time. Not only does it damage your digestive system, but it also alters your brain. Most chronic marijuana users have suffered from major psychological disorders including anxiety and depression. Smoking marijuana not only is unhealthy for your body, it's downright dangerous.

The last thing you want to be when you quit is a nervous wreck. It's hard enough to quit cigarettes, why add in the added stress of quitting pot? So the question is: does smoking weed make you lose weight? The answer is no. In most cases, the short answer is: not really.

There are health risks to both your mind and your body when you abuse marijuana. The main problem is your mental state when you start smoking weed. If you have a clear head, you will be able to focus on quitting. When you come up with the urge to smoke, your mind will not be distracted by the harmful chemicals in marijuana and will be much more likely to be able to successfully quit.

If you have a lot of body fat to lose, smoking weed is probably not a good idea. Pot smoking constricts your arteries and actually increases your risk of heart disease. If you smoke a lot, you will be less able to exercise because your body will be used to relying on the high for energy. Plus, the constant stream of dopamine in your brain will keep you up at all hours of the day and night, causing you to become a couch potato at best.

To avoid all of these complications, you will need to use something that will regulate your breathing. This is vital to quitting smoking weed because it will keep you alert and prevent any increase in mood swings or anxiety that can be brought on by frequent smoking. It can be hard to quit without this tool, but it is definitely possible. As long as you are able to stay focused, you will be able to lose weight in no time.

There is some controversy over whether or not using a hit track or subliminal audio helps with quitting pot. Some swear by them, while others claim that they do nothing to help you lose your need for the drug. I would caution against using them if you want to quit. Using a hit track will make your subconscious realize that you need to wee. Your conscious mind will still be aware that you don't, so the hit track will make the conscious mind to believe that you really need it.

Subliminal messages are more difficult to use than hit tracks. They work on a level of subliminal suggestion, which means that they bypass the critical thinking process of your conscious mind and go straight into your subconscious. You need to be aware, however, that there are many programs online that claim to offer subliminal messages for weight loss that are nothing but scams. Only use reputable programs that have a history of producing effective results. The best programs will have testimonials from dozens of former users that you can verify to make sure you're getting quality information.

Smoking weed does a lot of things to your body. It weakens your lungs and affects your heart rate; it also causes various types of damage to your body including, but not limited to, shrinkage of the endocrine system, lesions in your brain and other problems. Smoking weed also reduces your sperm count and causes the production of lactic acid in your muscles, which leads to weakness. Smoking weed also makes you tired and causes your skin to dry out, your appetite will decrease, your blood pressure will rise, your blood sugar will drop, and your liver can burst with all the extra strain and activity.

Does smoking weed make you lose weight? Yes, and no. If you're an occasional user who only uses marijuana occasionally, then yes, using it as a way to quit will do wonders for your body. But if you're an addict who smokes marijuana every day, then using it to quit will probably lead to failure.

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